Living with dementia in the Winter months

Living with dementia in the Winter months

Winter is fast approaching and with it comes a few new challenges. In the winter, getting outside and active can be fun for everyone. But going outdoors with someone with dementia requires great care. Keeping your loved one living with dementia warm can be quite...
Don’t wait until it’s too late

Don’t wait until it’s too late

When is the right time to move your loved one into a care facility? This is a question asked by so many families before visiting us at Livewell. If your loved one is living with dementia and you are struggling with the decision as to whether it is better to care for...
Food challenges associated with dementia

Food challenges associated with dementia

At Livewell, we look holistically and individually at every resident’s eating needs, weight and nutrition. Take a look at the solutions we’ve found to common challenges associated with persons with dementias’ eating needs. General Weight Management We have...
Visual perception challenges associated with dementia

Visual perception challenges associated with dementia

Seeing is a complicated process that involves many different stages. Information is transmitted from your eyes to your brain where it is then interpreted, alongside information from your other senses, thoughts and memories. You then become aware of what you have seen...