Dementia can significantly impact a person’s appetite due to a range of physical, cognitive, and behavioural changes associated with the condition. First and foremost, cognitive impairments such as memory loss, confusion, and difficulty in recognising food can lead individuals with dementia to forget to eat, not recognise when they are hungry, or struggle to understand the purpose of meals. Altered taste and smell perception can also affect their food preferences, making certain foods less appealing or unpalatable. Swallowing difficulties, or dysphagia, often accompany dementia progression, making eating a challenge and sometimes instilling a fear of choking. Some people living with dementia are also prescribed medications with appetite-altering side effects, such as nausea or changes in taste. Mood disorders, including depression and anxiety, are also common in dementia and can lead to changes in appetite. Individuals may lose interest in food or find it challenging to eat due to emotional distress.

Furthermore, sensory processing issues related to dementia can make individuals overwhelmed or agitated by the sensory aspects of eating, like the sound of chewing or the texture of food. Disorientation, common among those with dementia, can render them unaware of their surroundings, the time of day, or the purpose of a meal, while environmental factors like noise, lighting, and unfamiliar settings can contribute to discomfort during mealtimes. The loss of independence as dementia progresses often results in individuals becoming reliant on caregivers for meal preparation and feeding, which may lead to resistance or apathy towards eating.

Physical decline, which often accompanies dementia, can manifest as reduced energy levels, weakness, and decreased physical activity, all of which can affect appetite. Additionally, gastrointestinal issues like constipation or reflux may cause discomfort and reduce appetite in some dementia patients. It is essential for caregivers and healthcare professionals to recognise these challenges and develop strategies to address them, as proper nutrition plays a critical role in maintaining the overall health and well-being of individuals living with dementia.

How to help someone with dementia manage their nutrition

Create a Structured Meal Routine
One of the most effective ways to help someone with dementia manage their nutrition is to establish a consistent meal routine. This routine should include regular meal and snack times to provide a sense of predictability and structure. Place a visible schedule in their living space, and strive to adhere to it as closely as possible. Consistency in meal timing can reduce confusion and anxiety related to mealtimes.

Serve Nutrient-Rich, Appealing Foods
Focus on offering nutrient-dense foods that are both nutritious and visually appealing. Incorporate colourful fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and foods rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and fibre into their diet. Ensure that the meals are not only nutritious but also engaging to the senses. Make an effort to present the food in an attractive and visually stimulating manner. There is a powerful connection between memories and food, which is why at Livewell we strive to provide the best home-cooked meals possible every single day. Our dedicated team of nutritionists, cooks and kitchen staff strive to make it just the way our residents like it, while always bearing in mind the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet. At Livewell Estates, we hold the nutrition and well-being of our residents in the highest regard. Our commitment to quality starts right here on our grounds. Seeing our harvest transformed into delicious and nourishing meals for our residents brings us immense joy. This farm-to-table approach not only ensures freshness but also highlights our dedication to providing the best for those who call Livewell Estates their home.

Adapt the Meal Texture
As dementia progresses, individuals may experience difficulties with chewing and swallowing, which is known as dysphagia. Adapt the texture of the food to ensure it is safe and easy to eat. This might involve providing softer, pureed, or finely chopped foods and thickened liquids as needed. Consulting with a healthcare professional or a speech-language therapist can help determine the appropriate texture modifications.

Encourage Independence
While it’s essential to assist, it’s also vital to promote independence during mealtimes. Allow the person with dementia to participate in simple tasks, such as setting the table, choosing foods, or assisting with food preparation to the best of their ability. This involvement can help maintain their dignity and a sense of control over their meals.

Create a Supportive Mealtime Environment
Make mealtimes as pleasant and comfortable as possible. Minimise distractions, such as excessive noise or television, and create a calm atmosphere. Use tableware and utensils that are easy to handle, and consider offering finger foods or bite-sized portions for those who may struggle with cutlery. Be patient, offer encouragement, and provide gentle reminders when necessary. Additionally, maintain a watchful eye to ensure their safety, especially if swallowing difficulties are a concern.

By implementing these strategies, caregivers and loved ones can play a significant role in helping individuals with dementia manage their nutrition effectively, promoting their overall health and well-being. Tailoring these approaches to the specific needs and preferences of the person with dementia is key to providing the best support.

Nutrition at Livewell Estates

Proper nutrition is vital for our residents living with dementia. As a specialised dementia care facility, we ensure our residents get the nourishment they need. Meals are also tailored to our resident’s unique requirements and preferences. You won’t find our residents eating repetitive meals that were mass-produced. Our dedicated team of nutritionists, cooks and kitchen staff strive to make meals just the way our residents like them, while always bearing in mind the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet. “We know the people that we are working with, so we understand them very well. We know what they like.” – Livewell Chef.