Did you know that September is World Alzheimer’s Awareness Month? Today we will debunk some of the common misconceptions and ideas around Alzheimer’s and dementia to ensure that everyone is better informed and can distinguish fact from fiction. Myth 1:...
Taking care of someone with Alzheimer’s and dementia can be a difficult task – this is especially so when dementia has progressed into an advanced stage. The stress placed on caregivers has only increased due to the COVID pandemic. Now there’s the added worry of...
Ageing involves a lot of changes to the body. For most adults, bone density peaks around age 30, then it starts a steady decline which continues for the remainder of our lives. In our 40’s, it’s normal to start undergoing gradual age-related muscle loss, called...
As the illness progresses, a person living with dementia will start to find simple tasks challenging such as combing or styling their hair or even remembering to bathe themselves or to brush their teeth. For many, they might not even remember what they once used a...
People with dementia, like everyone else, benefit from feeling involved and useful. Residents in memory care homes can participate in activities and entertainment to promote social contact, alleviate anxiety, stimulate the brain, and create emotions of success. These...
Caring for a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s can be difficult, and this can be even tougher when that loved one is your spouse. Watching your partner’s condition deteriorate and noticing them slowly forget who you are can be heartbreaking. Spouses and partners...