A look at the mental healthcare sector in South Africa

A look at the mental healthcare sector in South Africa

Mental healthcare is a sector that has long been neglected in the South African context. Some experts say that it has even been treated as an insignificant part of the health sector. This has all been to the detriment of the people living with mental illnesses,...
Memory care activities for the holiday season

Memory care activities for the holiday season

For many people, the holidays are a joyful time of year. But for people with dementia, their families, and their caregivers, the holidays can pose special challenges. Family members want to enjoy the festivities, decorate their homes, spend time doing activities,...
How your loved one benefits from private frail care

How your loved one benefits from private frail care

It’s never easy to admit when it’s time to move your loved one into a private frail care facility. When making the decision to choose frail care, it’s important to remember that your elderly loved one deserves physical and mental well-being. A private frail care...
What Alzheimer’s care options are best for my loved ones

What Alzheimer’s care options are best for my loved ones

People with memory loss problems such as Alzheimer’s require specialised memory care. Whilst there are many nursing homes, retirement villages and frail care options available for seniors, people living with memory loss disorders need specialised care. People...