It’s important to know that behaviour issues, depression, anxiety and many other symptoms associated with dementia can be alleviated when your loved one takes part in a balanced programme filled with enjoyable activities. With this in mind, Livewell runs a daily programme that is filled with person-centred activities and outings.
Livewell’s pioneering approach focuses on the importance of creating an environment that encourages the continuation of personal exploration of a person living with dementia rather than their decline. The philosophy maintains that taking care of plants and animals, as well as interacting with other adults and children, promotes a positive lifestyle, which in turn enables your loved one to live a happier, fulfilled and healthier life.
The tranquil gardens of the Livewell Villages, and our spacious and sunny living rooms, provide the perfect platform for our diverse and stimulating activities programme. With a range of over 30 activities, Livewell offers a variety of choices to the individual, from music and crafts, to sports, board games, library visits and outings.
On admission, each resident and their family is interviewed by an occupational therapist to develop their personal activities programme. Each individual’s history around their work life, and needs with regards to self-care, leisure and rest are evaluated and incorporated into their timetable. Our companions are specially trained individuals who assist your family member with these activities. They form friendships woven around best-loved activities and are an indispensable part of providing skilled care and warmth for the daily life of our residents.
Livewell offers the following activities:
- Arts & Crafts
- Sport and Exercise
- Yoga
- Baking
- Musical Experiences
- Drumming
- Excursions to Local Landmarks
- Gardening
- Croquet/Bowling
- Woodwork & Electrical
- Games
- Golf
We’ve put together a list of 5 stimulating activities that you can do with your loved ones who are living with dementia.