Placing a loved one in a dementia care facility is one of the most challenging decisions a family can face. It’s common for caregivers and family members to experience a deep sense of guilt, questioning if they are making the right choice and worrying about the well-being of their loved ones. This guilt often stems from the desire to provide the best possible care personally and the fear of feeling like they are abandoning their loved one. However, it’s important to recognise that choosing a professional dementia care facility can ultimately be beneficial for everyone involved. Understanding the reasons behind these feelings and exploring strategies to manage them can help ease the transition and provide peace of mind.

Overcoming the guilt associated with placing a loved one in a dementia care facility can be challenging, but there are several strategies that families can use to navigate these feelings and find peace of mind. Here are some effective ways to manage and alleviate guilt:

Understanding the benefits of professional care

Understanding the complexities of dementia and the benefits of specialised dementia care can help reframe your perspective. Learning about the advantages of professional care, including personalised treatment plans and access to a multidisciplinary team, can reassure you that you are making the best choice for your loved one.

Specialised Dementia Care
One of the most significant benefits of placing a loved one in a dementia care facility is access to specialised care. Facilities like Livewell are equipped to handle the unique challenges of dementia with tailored care plans, professional medical oversight, and therapeutic activities designed to improve quality of life.

Comprehensive Support
Livewell’s multidisciplinary team includes nurses, companions, nutritionists, occupational therapists, social workers, and even in-house hairstylists. This team approach ensures that every aspect of a resident’s well-being is addressed, providing comprehensive support that can be difficult to achieve at home.

Enhanced Quality of Life
Residents in dementia care facilities benefit from a structured environment that promotes safety, social interaction, and mental stimulation. This holistic approach helps maintain cognitive function, reduce feelings of isolation, and enhance overall quality of life.

Staying involved in their care

Active Participation: Remaining actively involved in your loved one’s care can help alleviate feelings of guilt. Participate in care planning meetings, attend facility events, and maintain regular visits. This involvement ensures that you stay connected and can see firsthand the positive impact of professional care.

Regular Communication: Maintain open lines of communication with both the care facility staff and your loved one. Regular updates from the staff about your loved one’s condition and activities can provide reassurance and peace of mind.

Seeking support and counselling

Caregiver Support Groups: Joining a caregiver support group allows you to share your experiences and feelings with others who understand your situation. These groups provide emotional support, practical advice, and a sense of community.

Professional Counseling: Speaking with a counsellor or therapist can help you process your emotions and develop coping strategies. Professional counselling can provide a safe space to explore feelings of guilt and find ways to manage them.

Reframing the decision

Viewing as an Act of Love: Reframe the decision to place your loved one in a dementia care facility as an act of love and compassion. Recognise that professional care can provide the specialised attention and support that you may not be able to offer at home.

Focusing on Positive Outcomes: Focus on the positive aspects of professional care, such as increased safety, social opportunities, and access to specialized medical care. Understanding that your loved one is receiving the best possible care can help reduce feelings of guilt.

Self-Care for Caregivers

Prioritising Your Well-Being: Taking care of yourself is crucial. Engage in activities that you enjoy, take time for rest, and seek support when needed. Prioritizing your well-being allows you to be a better support system for your loved one. Read more about The impact of respite care for those with dementia and their caregivers.

Balancing Responsibilities: Balancing caregiving responsibilities with personal time helps prevent burnout and maintain a healthy perspective. Remember that taking care of yourself is essential for providing the best care to your loved one. Read more about Why self-care is important for dementia caregivers.

Testimonials: Real-life experiences

Hearing from others who have gone through similar experiences can provide comfort and reassurance. Here are some heartfelt testimonials from families who have entrusted their loved ones to Livewell:

“We thank all the folks at Livewell tremendously for their professionalism and humanity. They preserved Dad’s dignity and made sure that he was comfortable in his last days. The staff truly live the motto of Livewell. You preserve dignity in a safe, serene, and homely environment with warmth and specialised care. You therefore enabled our dad to carry on being the person he always was – making his last days as meaningful and purposeful as his life as a whole. We will be eternally grateful to all of you.”Mr Sim Tshabalala

“Thank you so much for everything. As usual, I just don’t know how to thank you and the Livewell team. I have been watching Mom absolutely blossom since she moved to Livewell. Her world and confidence are constantly growing! The change has been absolutely amazing and wonderful beyond words!” – J James

“Thank you for the open communication regarding the issue of day and night carers looking after Mom. The fact that we know that an approved, reliable carer is constantly looking after Mom’s needs gives us great peace of mind. The limited exchange of carers definitely has a calming effect on Mom! We thank you for the way in which you are accessible to the carers who know they can approach you if there are problems. Their job satisfaction makes them happy and in turn, has a positive influence on Mom’s emotions.”R Cloete

“I would like to extend a massive and very heartfelt thank you and the Livewell team for the extraordinary support, both logistical and emotional, that you have provided to my Mum and our family this week. You have all been wonderful, professional, and very caring since my Mum fell and fractured her hip. We will be in contact with all of you in the coming days but I feel that it is important that we acknowledge our extreme gratitude and appreciation to you all, today.”I Merrington

Read these testimonials of exceptional dementia care at Livewell Estates, Bryanston.


Feeling guilty when placing a loved one in a dementia care facility is a natural response, but understanding the benefits of professional care and finding ways to manage these feelings can help. By staying involved in their care, seeking support, reframing the decision, and prioritising self-care, you can alleviate guilt and ensure your loved one receives the best possible care. Remember, professional dementia care is often the best decision for both the individual and their family, providing a higher quality of life and peace of mind for all involved.