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5 memory boosting foods your diet needs
Just as there is no magic pill to prevent cognitive decline, no single almighty brain food can ensure a sharp brain as...
Alzheimer’s & Dementia Health And Information Services
Managing people living with Alzheimer’s or dementia by yourself can be incredibly tough whether you are a family...
A Mediterranean-style diet can play a protective role against cognitive decline
Dementia affects 5.8 million people in the United States alone, according to the Alzheimer’s Association, so there is...
Why self-care is important for dementia caregivers?
Ask anyone caring for a loved one with a serious illness what they do for self-care, and you’ll probably hear laughter...
Marike Coetzee, Occupational Therapist at Livewell, chats about dementia day care
Marike Coetzee studied Occupational Therapy at the University of Stellenbosch. She graduated in 2012 and has been...
Specialist Alzheimer’s support is available for families with diagnosed loved ones
When you start to suspect that a loved one may be experiencing the symptoms of a condition marked by cognitive...
Clinical psychologist, Anton Böhmer talks about diagnosing dementia
Anton is a Clinical Psychologist, based in Stellenbosch, with a strong interest in neuro-/cognitive psychology,...
Can people with dementia still enjoy quality of life?
Witnessing a loved one deteriorate from the effects of dementia or Alzheimer’s can be devastating and the question...
How to choose the best facility for dementia day care this festive season?
No matter how great a caregiver you are for someone living with dementia, eventually, you’re going to need a break....
Reducing the risk of dementia
Keeping your brain and body active, challenged, and well-nourished are three of your best defences against developing...
Resourceful Alzheimer’s information you need to know about
It can be an overwhelming experience when faced with the possibility that a loved one may have a condition marked by...
5 Dementia care therapy options for your loved ones
While there currently isn’t a cure for Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, there are many dementia care therapies...