Jonathan Anderson, Jono, as he was more affectionately known by those close to him, was diagnosed with dementia some years ago. After a long period of illness he passed away last year. What made Jono special was his insatiable hunger for adventure which took him on a...
Food that keeps you warm is exactly what you need during the cold days of the winter. Take a look at the recipe suggestions we put together for your loved ones living with dementia. We’re bringing you recipes that are ideal for people who have difficulty swallowing or...
Very few people outside of the healthcare industry would have answered “caregiver,” when asked their dream career. It isn’t an option on the recommended career list or a career openly spoken about. Yet most caregivers serve out of love and respect. Few realize just...
It is not an easy decision to make when the time comes for you to move an aging loved one into a care facility. There are so many aspects to consider and your options can often overwhelm or confuse you, making it even harder to decide what is best for your family. Not...
Discovering that your loved one has been diagnosed with dementia can be quite an emotional time and it definitely takes its toll on everyone; from the individual diagnosed to the family. However, the one person that it particularly affects is the spouse. Dementia can...
Rose Polkey is a dementia coach and counsellor. Through her experience of dementia in those closest to her and by working with experts in the field, she has collected a wealth of information on best practice and the encouraging emerging evidence on dementia...